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Posts Tagged ‘Romney’

Mittens please help us

In Do you think Dan Quayle is free? on September 24, 2008 at 6:09 pm

I never thought I would ever say this, but that effete liberal freakshow Markos is absolutely right.  Romney as VP would’ve been a godsend during this crisis, right? Mitt Romney would’ve been our fucking Alan Greenspan. Unfortunately we settled settled on the moose hunter.

So, can we have a do-over? Backsies? Please? We would like Mitt now.

Or, let’s be frank, at this point we’d pretty much go with ANYONE NOT NAMED SARAH PALIN.

I mean geez the whole hiding her from anyone with half a brain thing gets pretty old, not to mention exhausting and totally humiliating (but not sexist. that’s Obama).